Today’s spotlight comment from the negotiations was Management saying “We don’t want to pay more to the employees.”
2:30 – Update
We’re in a side-bar caucus at the request of Management.
So far its an interesting meeting:
Cathy made it to this meeting, which is her first.
The City’s proposal is actually worse than the last meeting.
3:00 – Update
Sneaky…. They are trying to get rid of bumping and hoping we don’t notice.
3:15 – Update
No merits. Just a one-time merit for anyone who isn’t already maxed out. Just once, not a repeating thing. Doesn’t matter how good a job you do, no raise for you. No more pay for performance.
3:30 – Update
Back from side-bar. Cathy didn’t make it back.
No change to the recall process, if you don’t accept recall you get cut (grade AND pay) to the lower grade.
Done for now.
Thank you to everyone who made it out for today’s meeting. Having an audience was really great considering this is the first time the City Manager has bothered to join us.