The Commission passed the budget for fiscal year 2023 which includes the Fleet Maintenance positions. City management has voiced their intent to outsource Fleet during the upcoming 2023 fiscal year. This was stated at the first budget hearing last week.

The importance of this call to action was to show them that we are paying attention, watching, and ready to fight for the working people of this city when that time comes. Union President Boki Corsovic's message as well as the strong showing of our members was noticed by all who attended the budget hearing. THANK YOU TO THE MEMBERS WHO SHOWED UP IN SOLIDARITY AGAINST THE OUTSOURCING OF CITY JOBS. YOUR PRESENCE MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE WHEN THE COMMISSION IS MAKING DECISIONS WHICH AFFECTS YOUR LIVELIHOOD. UNION STRONG! VIDEOS PRESIDENT BOKI CORSOVIC'S MESSAGE TO THE COMMISSION MAYOR LEVY'S REMARKS