Attached is the Letter of Understanding for the transition of Emergency 911 Communication Services from the City to Broward County.
If you are a Telecommunicator 1 or 2, or a Communication Shift Supervisor, please read the attachment in its entirety because it is important.
For everyone else in the General C.B.A., here is the short description of the L.O.U.:
1. The parties agree that the above statements are true and correct and are incorporated herein.
2. Instead of the maximum payout caps for accrued sick leave required in the CBA at Section 5 of Article 20 “Sick Leave” the parties have agreed through this LOU that employees in the classifications of Telecommunicator I, Telecommunicator II and Communication Shift Supervisor who have not signed an irrevocable agreement to stay with the City as a Teletype Operator, and who elect to transition to BSO and who become immediately employed by BSO as part of this transition, shall be paid 100% of their accumulated sick leave hours upon separation from the City, and that such payout will be calculated on the basis of the employee’s regular rate of pay at the time of this separation from the City.
3. As already provided in City Ordinance Section 33.027 of the City’s General Employees Pension Plan, employees in the classifications of Telecommunicator I, Telecommunicator II and Communication Shift Supervisor who have not signed an irrevocable agreement to stay with the City as a Teletype Operator, and who elect to transition to BSO and who become immediately employed by BSO as part of this transition may also elect to continue participating in the City’s General Employees Pension Plan and shall continue to earn creditable service under the City’s General Employees Pension Plan for as long as they are eligible to participate in the City’s General Employees Pension Plan and make the required employee contributions to the City’s General Employees Pension Plan.
4. This Agreement shall become effective as of the date of ratification by both Parties (the “Effective Date”).
The entire Letter of Understanding can be read as a pdf here: LOU with AFSCME E-911 Transition to BSO — FINAL 2-3-14