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Meeting with the City – Return to Work Site Concerns

Local 2432 representatives met with the City yesterday to discuss our concerns regarding work site safety conditions and the short notice given for employees to end Telecommuting. The Union gave accounts of recent incidents where the Union had to intervene for employees who had been directed to return to a work site that had not been changed to meet CDC guidelines for social distancing or protective barriers put in place to protect both the employee and the public.

Deputy City Manager George Keller and Human Resources Director Tammie Hechler both committed to ensuring that employees have a safe work site. They advised that Management had been directed to ensure that work sites met social distancing guidelines and arrangements be made for employee and public safety.

If you are at a work site that does not meet social distancing guidelines (6 feet), please email us at and Deputy City Manager Keller assured us that those sites would be addressed.

Per Deputy CM Keller, approval for continued Telecommuting requires documentation from your doctor showing COVID related concerns. Deputy City Manager Keller advised that the City Manager’s Office and Human Resources are reviewing applications from employees to continue Telecommuting. The final approval or denial will be done by HR/City Manager’s Office (not the Department). All requests will be forwarded to HR/City Manager for review. If you completed a request and you believe it was not sent to HR by your department, please notify HR.

In Solidarity,

AFSCME Local 2432


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AFSCME Local 2432

2734 Hollywood Boulevard

Hollywood, Florida 33020



Tel: 954-381-1519

We are available in person by appointment: On the South Side of Hollywood Boulevard just west of 26th Avenue behind the old Town Drug. There is plenty of parking at the rear of the building.

The Union Hall is now only open by appointment. Please contact your staff (posted on union boards) for any issues.

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