Nominations and Elections
Nominations for the following Officer positions will take place at a Special Meeting on November 14th @ 6:30 PM. Nominations will close promptly at 8PM. Elections will be held on December 5th (see flyer below). Any member with more than 1 year of active membership is eligible to be nominated. Member election notices have been sent in the mail.
Vice-President – 2 year term
Secretary – 2 year term
E-Board Professional – 2 year term
E-Board General – 2 year term
Trustee – 3 year term

Member Holiday Party
The Member Holiday Party will be held on Saturday, December 16th from 7 – 11 PM. Seating is limited, so RSVP is first come first serve. Limit one (1) guest per member. Email your full name and guest info to by December 1st to be added to the guest list which will be checked at the door. Non-member employees are prohibited. No exceptions.

Member Picnic – Save the Date! Saturday, February 24, 2018
A day of food, fun, music, and games for our members and their families. More info to come!