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Virtual Union Hall

Communication is important!

Members being able to communicate with each other is even more so.

In support of the idea that Communication is important we now have a Virtual Union Hall.

This does not replace the real and physical Union Hall, meeting face to face is still the absolute best method of communications. Meeting face to face, however, is not always an option for when you need to ask someone something or share some bit of information. And we can’t forget that the City is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week operation. Sometimes you just can’t get together because you are on opposite sides of the clock, or week, or City.

Click the link above, add it to your book marks or favorites, and join us in the Virtual World until we can get together in the real world.

Basic Instructions on how to register in the system are below:

In the top area under the logo is the Registration Link.

Standard Terms and Conditions are next, read them and click I Agree (if you actually do agree).

Please register with your real name, or at least something like your real name. The moderators are not going to know you are a member if you register as sillyman423.

Once you have completed the registration you can begin posting in the Public Forums. Within about 24 hours the moderators will confirm your member status and apply the right access level to your account.


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